YOGA : the other way to prevent bone disease called  "Osteoporosis",
The research carried out in Harvard Medical School by Dr.Marian Hannan, Professor of Medicine said that "the yoga poses helps in the prevention of Osteoporosis; as they prevent against osteoporotic fractures and protect against falling". The study with 741 participants form the period of 2005 to 2015 with the average age of 68 showed the result that the bone density gets increased in the spine region as well in some of Hip regions by then practice of Yoga in their daily activities.

The DEXA scans were attached for the proof of the evidence to show the increase in their bone densities. The study shows that the small activities of day-life helps in the chronic disease such as Osteoporosis.

Know more on this and present your topic related to this in the congress on September 24-25, 2018 at London, UK
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